Nijmegen, The Netherlands, October 15, 2020 – Ampleon has released the BLF989E RF power transistor, which uses the very latest ninth-generation high-voltage (50 V) LDMOS process technology. The BLF989E has been designed to deliver the highly efficient Doherty amplifiers required by the next generation of UHF TV transmitters.
As the global market leader for RF power transistors in UHF broadcasting applications, Ampleon has developed the BLF989E to support the market demand for more efficient operation of TV transmitters. With a peak power capability in excess of 1 kW, the BLF989E provides an average (DVB-T) output power of 180W, shrinking the size of digital TV amplifiers by 20 %.
Ampleon has also developed an ultra-wideband Doherty (UWD) application circuit for the BLF989E, which can achieve an incredible 50 % efficiency. This UWD design means that one single RF amplifier can cover the complete 470 MHz to 700 MHz frequency band used for digital TV transmission, simplifying the manufacturing process and reducing service costs for broadcast network operators.
The BLF989E is a very rugged device that works with digital pre-distortion (DPD) to provide the extremely high linearity required when transmitting digital TV signals with very low bit error rates. This combination of high efficiency and linearity significantly reduces the energy consumed by high-power TV transmitters, saving electricity operating costs, reducing the load on cooling systems and minimising CO2 emissions.
More information on the BLF989E, assembled in a bolt-down ceramic SOT539 package (and the earless ceramic package version, BLF989ES), can be found and sample devices requested at:
For further information and reader inquiries:
Susanne Schorn, Corporate Communications,
Ampleon Netherlands B.V.,
Halfgeleiderweg 8, 6534 AV Nijmegen, The Netherlands,
Tel: +31 6 83 63 10 59,
About Ampleon:
Created in 2015, Ampleon is shaped by 50 years of RF power leadership and is set to exploit the full potential of data and energy transfer in RF. Ampleon has more than 1,650 employees worldwide, dedicated to creating optimal value for customers. Its innovative, yet consistent portfolio offers products and solutions for a wide range of applications, such as mobile broadband infrastructure, radio & TV broadcasting, CO2 lasers & plasma, MRI, particle accelerators, radar & air-traffic control, non-cellular communications, RF cooking & defrosting, RF heating and plasma lighting. For details on the leading global partner in RF Power, visit